Tagged as Gluten Free

While some people have the notion that food intolerances don’t really exist, I’d like to beg to differ. People can have reactions to foods that their bodies have trouble tolerating, as well as mild to severe allergic reactions to foods, some of which can be life threatening. Before I found out I had a gluten intolerance, I couldn’t walk, I had an irregular heartbeat, and my immune system was basically...
July 30, 2023
Nutritionists say that excluding grain products from the diet is not only useless but even dangerous. On the other hand, people who want to lose weight are still trying to stay away from them. But we have collected seven myths about grain products, which you should know. 1. Cereals contribute to weight gain. A study performed by Tufts University showed that whole grain - consumption helps to reduce...
April 29, 2023
Millions of people have adopted a gluten-free diet and lifestyle. Millions more are considering it. Maybe you're among them. Many people must eat a gluten-free diet because they have a condition known as Celiac disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder wherein the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. However, the number of non-Celiac people who believe that going gluten-free...
August 17, 2022
A recent systematic review of observational studies looked at the relationship between obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Researchers concluded those who ate full-fat dairy had -NO- greater risk for heart disease or diabetes than low-fat dairy eaters. The review, published in the -European Journal of Nutrition-, examined 25 studies, 18 of which found that - those who consumed full-fat dairy weighed...
April 20, 2022
In the early 1980s, researchers at UCLA, funded by a caring dad, did an intestinal permeability (leaky gut) study. They found that people with Crohn's disease and their parents had double the intestinal leakiness of control subjects. A leaky gut is like a leaky bucket - not very good at its job. This study was the first to suggest that leaky gut syndrome might be part of the development of Crohn’s...
December 19, 2021
You finally found a gluten free hot dog, but do you risk using your favorite ketchup and mustard (which might not be gluten free) for a bite of your favorite comfort food? There are a number of great tasting gluten free options, even better than the non gluten free versions. Here’s a list that is sure to help you out: - Mustards: - Annie's Naturals. They have 3 luscious mustards: Honey, Yellow and...
September 2, 2021
Pasta, bread and baked goods are popular — and for good reason. Many of us crave carbs when we’re tired, stressed, or even when we're happy. Food can be used to soothe -and- to celebrate. But it seems that a high intake of gluten as a child could lead to celiac disease later in life. Gluten Consumption in the First Five Years - According to one study, which was published in the - Journal of the American...
July 2, 2020
What DOES gluten free mean? - The term, gluten free is thrown around quite a bit. What it doesn’t mean is that a food or product is completely free of all gluten. It is almost free of all gluten. Confusing isn’t it? - For some people though, a product must be near gluten free, because even trace amounts can be damaging to their bodies, causing pain for a few hours to a few days. Don’t have Celiac?...
July 31, 2018
If you have to go on a gluten free diet due to medical reasons like celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, or voluntarily opt to eliminate gluten from your diet, you will be delightfully amazed with what different types of Asian cuisines can motivate you to alter the staple foods in your diet regime. Making you more knowledgeable about the new, unusual, nutritious and delicious ingredients that you...
May 20, 2018
Leaky gut is another name for intestinal permeability. What this means is that places in the gut that determine what gets to go into your small intestine are not working as they should. This means that substances that you react to, or are toxic to your body, end up where they shouldn’t—in your bloodstream. Imagine your gut’s lining is Gandalf in -The Fellowship of the Ring. He stands at that bridge...
February 1, 2016