Tagged as Food Additives

Many of us are swayed by advertising. Commercials that show happy cows in a pasture, a package of beef that says “free-range” or “grass-fed”or “organically-raised:” it seems easy to make the right choices at the supermarket. We as consumers are convinced we know how to tell good food from bad food, best practices from worst practices, and healthy nutrition from the stuff that just mimics it. But is...
April 25, 2024
Thanks to better nutrition labeling, increased awareness and science-based nutrition education, Americans are now - consuming a healthier diet - than they did in years past. Many people are paying more attention to nutrition labels and striving to make healthier food choices and are then surprised to learn that there are several hidden, unhealthy fillers and additives in many of the foods they eat....
October 23, 2023
How much MSG is in your diet? It might be more than you think — a lot more. An increasing number of food manufacturers add MSG to their products and even fast-food chains are getting in on it. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the fermented product of a naturally occurring compound found in some foods. It has an “umami” flavor that can add an extra boost to savory dishes, especially meats. MSG is turning...
June 26, 2022
Although neither government health agencies nor food manufacturers will tell you, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a very unhealthy food additive.  In spite of such, it is obsessively used in most processed, frozen and fast foods. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to not find it in most foods consumed by people both in developed and developing countries. Why Is MSG Used So Extensively? - Simply put, MSG...
November 20, 2021
How many of us look up the ingredients of every food we eat, let alone investigate every obscure, unpronounceable additive to make sure it’s safe? We should be able to assume the foods in our pantries aren’t going to cause us long-term harm, but it’s possible that -some of them are.- Processed foods can contain all sorts of questionable ingredients. But some food additives can cause us harm. And this...
September 12, 2020
Many seemingly -healthy foods-, such as granola, veggie chips, protein shakes, yogurt, sports drinks and trail mix, aren’t as healthy as many might think. Food labels can trick consumers into thinking they’re choosing a nutritious, wholesome product when it’s actually loaded with sugar, sodium, fat, preservatives and other questionable ingredients. Moreover, the rules can change suddenly, further complicating...
March 30, 2020
Although we've made great headway in the area of eating healthy, many people still question whether it's worth the effort and, more importantly, if it really makes a difference in the long run.  For sure, some of the arguments that they give for not changing their supposedly "unhealthy" diets appear to make sense. You may even say that, in some instances, they are 100% correct. Having said that, some...
May 2, 2016
Before I go to the grocery store, I usually have a list of everything I need to purchase for the week. If I don't, my grocery bill will be double the amount I intended it to be. Why? - Because I will get sucked into purchasing grocery and household items based on their outer appearance. Marketplace grocery and household items are contained in very attractive packages. Take cheese for example. As soon...
June 4, 2015
Packing healthy lunches for the kids can be downright stressful. How can you be sure that you are packing your kid's lunch box with foods that are both delicious AND nutritious? These days, food companies can be deliberately deceitful with misleading and seductive marketing. How do you know you're not just feeding your kids sugar, GMOs and chemicals dressed up in "natural" packaging? - Avoid the Scary...
May 12, 2015
Does it make sense to you that if you eat a pound of fat, that some of that fat is going to incorporate itself into your body? It’s not a secret that most of our meat and poultry products are pumped full of growth inducing chemicals, including antibiotics that have been shown to induce increased growth in livestock. That is good for selling by the pound, but is it good for those who consume these super...
April 14, 2014